Thursday, July 21, 2011

Smokey's New Kicks

One word: traction.  Ryan found these doggie shoes on sale for $24.  We fully expected Smokes to immediately chew them off/kick them off, but he unexpectedly liked them... sort of.  He liked the idea of not sliding on the floors and he was able to move around with much more confidence.  He even resisted a bit when I went to take them off for the night. 

In full disclosure I wouldn't allow Ryan to take a video of Smokey learning how to walk in these.  It was so funny and ridiculous looking that we had to hide our faces and leave the room to laugh.  We didn't want him to feel self conscious.  We did, however, snap a pic after he had romped around for awhile.  Sorry you missed the hilarity of a 90 lb dog "prancing", but doesn't he look happy in the photo?!?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Obligatory Belly Post

I will admit that I've been hiding.  I haven't been one of those ladies who feel fabulous looking while pregnant.  But I've recently learned that there are many many stages of looking pregnant.  First you just start off feeling fat because your clothes don't fit and nobody can tell that you're actually pregnant.  They think you're just getting fat.  Then you start to look sort of pregnant and the bravest of strangers will make comments.  After a positive confirmation these comments are always followed up with "Oh, I'm so glad.  Sometimes you just don't know for sure." 

I've now reached the stage where nobody is guessing anymore.  In fact I've sailed right through to the everyone automatically touches the tummy stage.  If you know me then you understand that I have serious personal space issues.  I can honestly say that the only pregnant tummy that I've EVER wanted to rub was my friend Amy's.  I find this phenomenon very weird.  Even more weird is that I find myself chuckling whenever someone does this to me.  I thought I'd be super freaked out by all of these extra hands rubbing the old belly without permission.  Instead it amuses me... and it makes me happy that so many people are excited to feel a little kick from our little guy.  Please don't misunderstand me here.  If a total stranger tries this maneuver they will probably get a punch in the face.  That is SUPER CREEPY, but for now it seems like family and friends are welcome.  Go figure.

26 weeks and 5 days

On another note, everyone keeps asking how the nursery is coming along.  Well, here is a glimpse into my torture.  I would say the nursery is NOT coming along at this present time.

Here is where the nursery is currently located. 
(Yes, that is our dining room and everything is still in boxes.)

There is still plenty of time!