Saturday, April 16, 2011

First Family Photo

Ok, I have not forgotten about our blog.  Quite frankly I was having a hard time keeping my mouth shut, but now that the cat's out of the bag I feel like I can get back to posting.  Here is our first family photo with Peanut!

This was taken at 7.5 weeks and we are now starting week 14.  YIKES time is flying - but mom, dad, and Smokey could not be more excited.  I think Smokey has taken on the role as my personal protector as he will only very rarely let me out of his line of site.  It is very cute.  Poor guy doesn't know what's coming his way in the next 6 months...


  1. I can already tell that your little peanut is adorable!!!

  2. What a happy-looking family already!
