Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's About Time...

Honestly, we've thought about jumping on the ol' blog bandwagon for awhile now, but with no kiddos running around we just don't think that we're that darn exciting.  Seriously, who really wants to read about 2 stuffy married people with an old dog?  But with so many friends and family living a bazillion miles away we finally had to admit that we're now officially feeling out of the loop.

We LOVE reading up on all of our friends lives, so with the new year (and those darn New Year's resolutions) we decided to try to keep everyone up to date on life in our house... hopefully without boring you to death.  Wish us luck! 

Happy Blogging!


  1. Well even with no kiddos running around it is great for all of us out-of-towners to peek in on you & Ryan without constantly bugging you to death with emails, Facebook, etc. Happy blogging!

  2. Welcome to the blogging world! Looking forward to reading lots of posts all about planet W :)
