Sunday, February 19, 2012

September 2011

September was super busy with the last minute baby preparations, but those would continue well into October so more on that later.  Because of my blood pressure issues September also consisted of weekly Monday trips to the hospital for both ultrasounds and non-stress tests.  In a way it was nice to get to check on this little guy every week, however, its never easy to relax when potential problems hang over your head.  This little guy kept us on our toes during our 3rd trimester.  Dr. Barr made the call to induce a week early (but that was in October so, again, more on that later).  This is also when we discovered ahead of time that we were dealing with a thumb sucker.  Silly boy!

Anyway, since the NSTs were done in the labor and delivery "Birth Place" at the hospital we were able to meet most of the nursing staff and check out the rooms well ahead of Matthew's birthdate.  It worked out well since we ended up skipping out on the last few of our birth preparation classes.  Shame on us, I know, but I just couldn't keep a straight face during those breathing techniques and I was NOT going to waste precious hours in a pot luck dinner tour consisting of an overzealous lamaze instructor and a bunch of wacky couples that we'd never meet again (which was the only way to get behind the scenes to see the Birth Place).

Here is photo evidence that we did actually have the nursery ready before the baby arrived.  I'm not sure if I'm the only new mom to feel this way, but I had the hardest time EVER trying to decide how to decorate and set up this nursery.  How do you pick out decor for someone you've never met?  I had no idea what type of personality this little guy was going to have.  We ended up going with a forest theme since Ryan loves camping and outdoorsy stuff.  Also, how the heck do you set up a functional nursery when you have absolutely NO experience with babies???  AHHHHHH.  It was torture.  In my opinion the final result leaves much to be desired but you can guarantee that his big boy room will kick arse.



Also in September Aunt Keely threw us an amazing baby shower which resulted in the discovery of some of the yummiest and cheapest and unhealthiest cookies imaginable.  If you've never tried the Betty Crocker cookie mix that comes in a pouch for $.99 then you are sadly missing out on one of life's joys.  Hint - you can even pass these off as homemade if necessary! 

Aunt Keely and Mommy-To-Be

The shower itself was also amazing and we were so blessed to have so many family and friends join us in celebrating the impending arrival of our bundle of joy!

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