Sunday, March 4, 2012


Happy Birthday - October 12, 2011
Weight: 7 lbs 3 oz
Height: 18 1/2"

5 Day Check-Up
Weight: 6 lbs 13 oz (15th percentile)
Height: 19 1/2 " (31st percentile)
Head: 34.5 cm (19th percentile)

What you are up to?  Rolling over on your side and freaking out your new mommy and daddy!  We're convinced that you're going to flip onto your tummy when we're not paying attention (aka sleeping). You are a great eater and you only want to eat every 3-4 hours.  How thoughtful of you to let mommy get some rest.

2 Week Check-Up
Weight: 7 lbs 13 oz (23rd percentile)
Height: 20 1/4" (36th percentile)
Head: 35.5 cm (21st percentile)

What are you up to?  Still rolling onto your side and freaking out your mommy and daddy.  You're still doing a great job eating and sleeping.

1 Month Well Baby Visit
Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz (34th percentile)
Height: 21" (35th percentile)
Head: 36.4 cm (17th percentile)

What are you up to?  You are the most laid back baby I've ever seen.  You absolutely LOVE your baths.  Bath time is where we see your first real smile and your first belly laugh (at 2 months).  You have no trouble taking your milk from any resource.  You hardly ever cry unless you're very tired or hungry.  You very rarely cry in public.  You typically just take in your surroundings and then cry for mom and dad once you get home.  You like us to hold you while you tell us all about it.  This all continues for many months! 

2 Month Well Baby Visit
Weight: 11 lbs 14 oz (54th percentile)
Height: 22 3/4" (42nd percentile)
Head: 38.4 cm (17th percentile)

What are you up to? I'm really amazed at how well you track people and objects. We watch you study the world around you and even strangers comment on what an observant little boy you are. I feel like we've battled diaper rash since you were born, which we actually have been doing, and it breaks my heart. You, however, are a trooper and never complain.  You like to lay on your playmat and look up at all of your toys.  Sometimes I catch you being very serious with them as you frown and babble to them about topics that you must find very important.

3 Months

What are you up to?  You sleep from 8-9 pm until 3-4 am when you wake up for an early breakfast.  Then you go back to sleep until about 8 am when daddy leaves for work.  Your diaper rash is finally gone!  You now laugh at yourself in the mirror (and it is stinking adorable).  You love to reach up and bat at your toys on your playmat.  It's also very obvious that your stranger anxiety phase has kicked in really early.  According to Grammie your mother was the same way.  Dr. Frye noticed it right away at your 4 month appointment before we brought it up and she said we need to introduce you to new people and crowds very slowly.  So far it's been working.  You've been doing a great job!

4 Month Well Baby Visit
Weight: 15 lbs 12 oz (65th percentile)
Height: 24 3/4 (42nd percentile)
Head: 40.8 cm (15th percentile)

What are you up to?  You sleep through the night from 8-9 pm until 6-7 am.  You are still an easy eater and you suck in your bottom lip and watch mommy eat during the day, so Dr. Frye says you are probably ready to try some stage one foods.  You sit up so well in your Bumbo seat and you LOVE to reach up and pull on your toys.  You smile when mommy holds you while you practice standing. You seem to be discovering some cause and effect with the toys which makes it fun to watch you try to figure things out!

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