Sunday, April 22, 2012

6 Months

Look who is 6 months old!
I'm opting for this picture taken in the exam room instead of the adorable shot of Matthew on the scale.  But let me tell you that the scale shot was priceless in that we have one naked Matthew stretched out on the scale as straight as he could make himself and in the corner of the shot we have daddy's hand.  Daddy's had was an accidental capture that we discovered later while downloading the pictures.  Daddy's hand is funny because it is holding one adorable little baby turd that was deposited there by our sweetie pie as daddy removed his diaper for weighing purposes.  Stinker. 

I can't believe it's been 6 months since we first saw this sweet little face!  At 6 months Matthew is great at standing and holding his own weight while you hold his hands.  He even tries to stand up from a sitting position when sitting on laps or a boppy.  He does all of the typical 6 month old stuff like sticking his feet in his mouth and making noises that run the gamut in octaves (especially in public when mommy has him in a shopping cart).  He's been working on a tooth for about a full month now but it still hasn't made an appearance.  He has had his first food allergy - mango, I think.  After a few spoonfuls he broke out in a rash all over his tummy, chest, shoulders, and neck.  He still gets freaked out if strangers gather around to stare at him, but he's much more comfortable making new friends if they approach a bit slowly.  He still only rolls from back to front, but Dr. checked him out and said that it's only because he's choosing not to roll from tummy to back.  She thinks he's physically quite capable of the maneuver.  Seriously, why bother flipping yourself over when you're perfectly capable of spinning yourself around on your tummy 360 degrees.  When on his tummy he pushes himself up so tall!  We can put him into a crawling position and he laughs, but he hasn't been able to get both his head and his bottom up at the same time by himself.  His favorite activity is the jump-a-roo.  Who needs a TV when we can just watch him giggle and bounce himself silly?!?

Weight: 17 lbs 13 oz (54th percentile)

Height: 26 3/4" (50th percentile)

Head: 42.3 cm (22nd percentile)

I almost forgot to add what a lovey dovey this little man is!  Not only has he mastered kisses - I get them and a big hug every morning - he has also mastered the behind the head reach up and twist to kiss you move.  He first tried it out on Great Grammie and it's been added to his repertoire ever since.

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