Monday, April 23, 2012

The Day of 1,000 Kisses

Today is one of those days when I wish I could crawl inside of my little snuggle buggy's head to see first hand what he's thinking.  If I could bottle the amount of baby slobber that was deposited onto my cheeks today then I would be a billionaire.  All day long, beginning the moment I picked him up from his crib and ending the moment he drifted off to nite-nite sleep with his hand on my cheek, he gifted me with an onslaught of affection that will rival all others.  Burping after meals, walking down the hallway, looking at ourselves in the mirror, Skyping with Grammie, and playing with toys were just a few of the activities that merited frequent stops in action so that he could reach up and plant a big old slobbery one onto my cheek.  LOVE!  I want to bottle this day so that I can remember it whenever he's "too old" or "too cool" to kiss his mama.  Ryan was only slightly jealous.

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