Thursday, October 18, 2012

1 Year Stats

Shots?  What shots?  Where are my clothes?  Mom, I'd rather be looking at the fish mural.  Now where is that cute doctor that I like to flirt with?
Height: 29" (17th Percentile)
Weight: 21 lbs. 7 oz. (52nd Percentile)
Head Circumference: 46 cm (47th Percentile)

Size 4 Diapers
Size 3 Shoes
Size 12-Month Clothing
(But we put him in mostly 18-Months and roll up the sleeves and pants)

Words that he says fairly clearly and uses correctly...
Booga/Booger (We don't know what he means when he says this, but it's really funny and he says it alot.)
Fa (fan)
Uh Oh
Na-Na (no)
Hot Dog
Hi, Daddy

Words that he uses correctly, but only mommy and daddy understand...

Words that he said clearly & used correctly, but has dropped from his vocab...

Words that he says but has no idea what they mean...

Fun things that he's capable of doing...
  • Points at objects that he wants.  He points a lot.
  • Walking!!!  He will go to the correct room when asked.   He definitely does NOT appreciate his baby prison play yard any more.
  • Down to 2 bottles of formula a day (plus 2 sippy cups of formula and 1 sippy cup of water).  My goal is to have the bottles completely phased out by Thanksgiving.  He can drink from sippy cups like a champ, but he is really resisting giving up his bottle.
  • Finger foods!  He loves to feed himself.  He likes to pretend to feed us, too.
  • Plays pretend - so far I've seen him pretend to "talk" on the phone and pretend to feed himself and us. 
  • He's always crossing his ankles.  It's so funny.  He does it when he's laying down (tummy or back), while he's kicked back watch cartoons and drinking his "milk", or sitting Indian style.  It's adorable and I don't want to forget that many moons down the road.
  • One nap a day (if I'm lucky).  He goes to bed at 7:30 pm and we let him free around 8 am.
  • Practices his words when he wakes up in the morning as heard over the baby monitor.  We get a good chuckle every morning.
  • Yells at other babies to get their attention (by the way - hilarious).  We call this his Viking yell.
  • Dances to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and any music that is on in the background, even music from his toys.
As far as check-ups go Matthew's 1-year couldn't have gone better!  Our doctor thinks he's doing great.  She was super impressed with his vocabulary and he entertained the desk staff with his exclamation of BOOGA.  Plus we've been given the green light to introduce a little bit of yogurt into his diet.  Dr. wants that to be the only dairy in his life until his 15-month well baby visit.  We also had to do another round of shots, give blood for an anemia check (which he passed), and give blood for a lead check since our house was built before 1975 and we're mired in we've done extensive renovations.  He passed that, too... and so did our house when we had it tested last year.
Here is my little guy after having blood drawn from his finger for the first time.  Look at those poor little fingers.  He looks a bit disgruntled, doesn't he?
He rebounds quickly!  Just taking a drive with his best bud, Scout.
He is seriously the sweetest little guy I've ever met.  He loves to snuggle and his favorite place to sit is in our laps.  These days his kisses are much more like normal people kisses.  They are so very sweet.  He just gave Scout a few of them right before I took that picture.

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