Friday, July 13, 2012

Baby TV?

To TV or to not TV?  I know the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends ZERO TV time for kiddos until the age of 2.  We thought that sounded reasonable.  We thought we could do that.  We are totally addicted to TV, and therefore we are failing miserably at this particular goal.  I'm not saying we go overboard with the boob tube, but I have discovered Baby First TV.  I personally thought the programming was completely ridiculous.  As a matter of fact I will quote a family member who shall remain anonymous (but you would be surprised) who said that, "Some of the women on that channel make me want to punch them in the face."  (Don't worry, we're not a particularly violent family. I'm sure that was just a metaphor or something.)
Anyway, despite my objections, Matthew seems to adore a few of these programmes.  He will stop what he's doing and just laugh.  We've started doing the My Gym at Home activities at 7:30 am and 5:30 pm because I've seen such progress in his development.  After doing a few of these gym shows he now allows me to help him clap his hands, he's figuring out Hi and Bye waving, and he even tried to tell the TV bye-bye the other day. 

So I guess the jury is out in this casa.  I give him at most about 30 minutes in the morning while we're getting ready and 30 minutes in the evening while we're changing gears for dinner and nite-nite time.  Lately it hasn't even been that much.  It's pretty informal and sometimes we don't watch it at all.  It doesn't seem to be doing any damage yet.  Also, I'm going on record to say that I actually like Doc McStuffins on Disney.  She's at the top of my list for when he gets a bit older!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure whomever said that meant more like "slap" not punch! Anyway Reese likes the program too. And Dono likes Doc Mc Stuffin. Cute program.
