Wednesday, July 4, 2012

OPKs and Why I Hate Them

Or more appropriately titled: OKPs and Why They Suck.  OK, I'm not that mean.  Other people's kids are fine.  I even like the majority of them.  Most of our friend's children I even love and adore (because our friends are good parents).  Other kid's parents are where the real problems are found.  Here is my perfect example...

Matthew and I went to baby story time for 0-18 month olds at the library.  It was his first visit to the library and we couldn't have been more excited.  Being typical Matthew he sat in my lap for 3/4 of the class being super serious and taking everything and everyone in before hopping off to explore and play.  By taking in everything and everyone I mean he was almost dumbstruck by Mr. Little Temper Tantrum and Mr. I'm Two Years Too Old for This Class and My Mom Doesn't Care What I Do Because She's Too Busy Breastfeeding After Coming Into Class Late and Interrupting Everything.

Let's start with Mr. Little Temper Tantrum.  Matthew and I came into the classroom and sat in the open space between a nice mom with a darling little girl and a set of parents whose child was running in circles around the room.  Ignorant me didn't realize that this should have been red flags #1 and #2.  Why was there a big space and why was the kid running around like a wind up toy?  Next time I'll ask myself that before plopping my baby down.  As soon as the class started the parents attempted to retrieve the child and were rewarded with a giant screaming and crying fit.  Honestly, he was a sweet kid but I'm sure it was his nap time or something and he just didn't have it in him that day.  That happens.  However, these particular parents continued to sit in the circle allowing his hysterics to overtake the activities for a full 15 minutes.  Nobody could hear anything and we all missed the songs and such.  Matthew was so taken in with this behavior that he was completely absorbed by watching this one man show.  He just sat there staring with one hand in his mouth and eyes wide open in shock.  I tried readjusting him so that his back was to the boy, but Matthew just ended up trying to look back over his shoulder.  Even I have to admit that it was a pretty impressive fit.  Eventually I just held my hand up to block his line of sight.  I wasn't trying to be rude, but I was tired of this display and I wanted Matthew's attention to go elsewhere.  I would have exited the room much sooner if Matthew had been the one having the meltdown.  By the time they left a third of the class had passed.  I just want to go on record that I thought it was rude and annoying of the parents not to be more considerate.  I also feel very bad for them because I think they were excited for story time.  I'm sure they'll be there next week to give it another go.

Problem Child Parent #2:  All I can say is WOW.  This parent is the reason I ended up feeling jaded about my teaching career.  This parent is the parent who takes sweet babies and turns them into entitled, inconsiderate, selfish human beings.  I won't bore you with the details except to ask is it really all that hard to say, "Gee, Jr, maybe you shouldn't climb up on that stack of chairs to hang from the fire alarm (seriously) and play with the keyed switches that raise and lower the automatic shades?  Maybe you shouldn't be climbing around the podium to unplug the laptop (which is being used for class), play with the electrical outlets, and steal stickers?  Maybe you could sit down instead of standing directly in front of the librarian reading the book, running around stealing books during class, and trying to break into locked cabinets for toys?"  Maybe your mom could get to class on time instead of busting in late, interrupting everything because she feels like she owns the place, and deciding that she needs to breastfeed her four month old 15 minutes into a 30 minute class. I totally understand why she couldn't redirect her older child (not).  I'm still scratching my head on that one.  Also, I'm not one of those people who are totally against breastfeeding in public, but COME ON.  It's a 30 minute class.  There is always before, or after, or heck just pump a bottle.  IT'S A 30 MINUTE CLASS.  I could elaborate on this woman as our interactions continued outside of the class (where her son totally ignored everything she said or asked of him), but I'm sure you've all met this type of parent somewhere.  Funny thing is that he was a really nice kid.  He just has no boundaries.  He had NO clue that the things he was doing were inappropriate.  Sigh.

Basically, my point of this post is that we've spent the last 24 hours ignoring whining and tearless crying outbursts.  Honestly, his attempts at fit throwing are about on par with an angry kitten, but it's still annoying nonetheless.  We've made it 8.5 months without a single arched-back screaming tantrum, and one 30 minute class taught him 4 months worth of naughtiness.  This also makes me worry about how impressionable he is!
So to all of you parents out there who refuse to depart places in a timely fashion when your kiddo is being a brat, and to all you parents who refuse to redirect rude and out of place behavior, you all suck and should stay hidden away in your houses where your kids are obviously allowed to run the show and in turn become raging obnoxious human beings through no fault of their own.  I believe in a combination of nature and nurture.  I know some children have personalities that are more challenging than others, but all kids will be kids and it's your job to make sure they become good people.  AND to all of you parents who are doing your parent job... THANK YOU!  You are rock stars.

Disclaimer... and now that I typed this I pray that Matthew stays sweet and doesn't grow up to be a jerk!  I also pray that if baby #2 comes along that he is as easy going as Matthew and also doesn't grow up to be a turd.  Thankyouverymuch.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh the joys of parenthood!! Hang in there & everything will turn out ok. You are his best role models.
